Frieda Goodwin

Interests: Pickling, Nutrition, Fitness, Teaching

Frieda Goodwin is a professional nutritionist with a passion for pickling. She is an advocate for the health benefits of pickled foods and takes delight in crafting recipes that are as nutritious as they are delicious. Frieda finds joy in educating others about the art of pickling and ways to incorporate these foods into a well-rounded diet.

Articles By This Author

The Pickling Connection: How Homemade Pickling Strengthens Families and Communities
Pickling Basics Pickling Health Benefits Pickling Community Impact

The Pickling Connection: How Homemade Pickling Strengthens Families and Communities

Delve into the heart of pickling with our guide that brings families closer and boosts community spirit. From a touching video to a health quiz, learn to craft your first batch, understand the science, and savor the joy of homemade pickles. Join us in celebrating this wholesome tradition!

The Preservation Power of Pickling: Exploring the Longevity of Pickled Foods
Pickling Basics Pickling Techniques and Tips Pickling Health Benefits

The Preservation Power of Pickling: Exploring the Longevity of Pickled Foods

Discover the power of pickling! Learn the science behind it, explore various pickling methods, and understand the longevity of pickled foods. Get tips on pickling fruits, easy recipes, and learn about the health benefits of pickled foods.