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🍓 Simple Fruit Pickling Recipe 🍎

Learn how to make a simple fruit pickling recipe with your favorite fruits, vinegar, water, sugar, salt, and pickling spice. Experiment with different spices and enjoy the versatility of this recipe. Just Pickling is your ultimate guide to pickling.

Simple Fruit Pickling Recipe

You will need:

  • mixed fruits2 cups of your favorite fruits
  • white vinegar1 cup white vinegar
  • water1 cup water
  • sugar2 tablespoons sugar
  • salt1 teaspoon salt
  • pickling spice1 teaspoon pickling spice
  • glass jar1 clean glass jar


  1. First, in a medium-sized pot, combine 1 cup of white vinegar, 1 cup of water, 2 tablespoons of sugar, and 1 teaspoon of salt. This will be your pickling liquid.
  2. Next, bring the pickling liquid to a boil over medium-high heat. Stir occasionally to ensure the sugar and salt dissolve completely.
  3. Once the pickling liquid is boiling, add 1 teaspoon of pickling spice. Reduce the heat to low and let the mixture simmer for about 5 minutes. This allows the flavors of the spices to infuse into the liquid.
  4. While the pickling liquid is simmering, place your chosen fruits into a clean glass jar. Make sure the fruits are clean and cut into even pieces if necessary.
  5. After the pickling liquid has simmered, carefully pour it over the fruits in the jar, making sure they are completely covered.
  6. Finally, let the jar cool to room temperature. Once cooled, seal the jar tightly and refrigerate. The pickled fruits will be ready to eat after 24 hours and will last for up to 2 weeks in the refrigerator.


This recipe is versatile and can be used with any type of fruit. Feel free to experiment with different spices and adjust the sugar and salt to your liking. Always ensure your jar is clean to prevent any bacteria growth.

Are you looking for a simple and delicious way to preserve your favorite fruits? Look no further! Our Simple Fruit Pickling Recipe is the perfect solution. With just a few ingredients and easy steps, you can enjoy the tangy and sweet flavors of pickled fruits all year round.

To make this recipe, you will need 2 cups of your favorite fruits, 1 cup of white vinegar, 1 cup of water, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of pickling spice, and a clean glass jar.

First, combine the vinegar, water, sugar, and salt in a pot and bring the mixture to a boil. This will create a flavorful pickling liquid that will infuse the fruits with delicious taste. Add the pickling spice to the pot and let it simmer for 5 minutes to allow the flavors to meld together.

While the pickling liquid is simmering, prepare your fruits by washing and cutting them into bite-sized pieces. You can use any type of fruit you like, whether it's berries, peaches, or even pineapple. The choice is yours!

Once the pickling liquid is ready, place the fruits into a clean glass jar. Pour the hot pickling liquid over the fruits, making sure they are completely submerged. This will ensure that the fruits are properly pickled and preserved.

Allow the jar to cool, then seal it tightly and refrigerate. The pickled fruits will need some time to develop their flavors, so be patient and wait at least 24 hours before enjoying them. The longer they sit, the more flavorful they will become.

This recipe is versatile and can be customized to suit your taste. Feel free to experiment with different spices or add herbs like mint or basil for an extra twist. You can also adjust the amount of sugar and salt to your liking, making it as sweet or tangy as you prefer.

Remember, it's important to always use a clean glass jar when pickling to prevent any bacteria growth. This will ensure that your pickled fruits stay fresh and safe to eat.

So why not give our Simple Fruit Pickling Recipe a try? It's a fun and easy way to preserve the flavors of your favorite fruits and enjoy them throughout the year. Get creative with your choices and savor the unique taste of homemade pickled fruits. Happy pickling!